Sunday, December 12, 2010

Ideological Subversion - Liberalism Explained and Islam Exposed

Ideological Subversion

The phrase "ideological subversion” is a psychological warfare term that simply means "change what people believe".  As an offensive tactic, in the hands of bad guys,  large quantities of misinformation and deception are used as weapons against competing nations or political systems.

The purpose of such a propaganda driven methodology is to attack people at the psychological level, in hopes of destabilizing and undermining the entire ideological structure of a nation. The ultimate goal is complete collapse of the target society. Militant forms of socialist dictatorships have used this tactic to attack other governments and overtake them in their tyrannical ideologies.

Liberalism, as we know it today, is a very direct result of the Soviet's attempt (I'd say success) at subverting the American ideology.

Yuri Bezmenov - Former KGB

Subverted by Communism

If you consider yourself liberal/progressive, you must understand, that while you see yourself as the more advanced and enlightened species, exceedingly superior to the cavemen conservatives, you are literally living in a dream world.  You adhere to a mythical ideology that was constructed solely to harvest your emotions for the specific purpose of taking down America. 

Depending on your age, you are either a direct result of intentional manipulation, the spawn of those directly subject to the manipulation, or perhaps even a little further down the line. Whatever your age and however far removed you are from the initial infiltration and subversion attempt, if you are a liberal/progressive, you have bought into a repackaged version of Communism. 

Subverted by the Prophet

The turmoil in America caused by ideologically subversive activity is not limited to the socialist insanity. The very same techniques used by the Communists to inject America with a Marxist insanity and subvert the American ideoloy have been employed by Jihadists.  

Islamists are seeking the same ends as our historical enemies and they are attempting to leverage the same means as bad guys from the past. For more years than I've been alive, Islam has been manipulating our political, academic, and other institutions, like a puppeteer putting on a performance. 

Decades ago, a group of highly dedicated warriors of the Prophet drew up a complete doctrine and strategy to disrupt western societies, propagandize western people, infiltrate western governments, and overtake western nations heavily leveraging the core Islamic principles of deception (taqiyya/kitman).

Taqiyya - Lying for Allah

The Jihadist doctrine of deceit has been successful. Muslims have infiltrated the kids classrooms, revised the text of American history books, and are presently rewriting reality in the minds of coming generations. The truth of Islamic history is being methodically erased and our very own history is being replaced.  All of it is done in the name of Allah.

This is not a theoretical or speculation. This has happened and continues to happen.  As a result, Muslims are suddenly turning up in some startling places throughout "our" history.

This obviously successful revisionist history Jihad and psychological campaign against the coming generations, is another undeniable victory for the Muslim Brotherhood doctrine and Allah's stealth Jihad.

The template of targeting the minds of the children has proven hugely successful for those who wish to make everyone to be a raving liberal lunatic and the wisdom of the methodology has once again been put on full display by the minions of the Prophet.

John the Belligerent

The minions have attacked the soft-headed in national security and have rendered many (like John Brennan) stammering morons. People like these do nothing but regurgitate the myths and fairy-tales manufactured by the Jihadists.

Qur'an (7:4)
How many a township have We destroyed! As a raid by night, or while they slept at noon, Our terror came unto them.

Qur'an (7:5) No plea had they, when Our terror came unto them, save that they said: Lo! We were wrong-doers.

Qur'an (8:39) And fight them until there is no fitnah and [until] the religion, all of it, is for Allah . And if they cease - then indeed, Allah is Seeing of what they do.

Subversion on Sunday

In the realm of ideological subversion, Islam's most disturbing marker of success has been what's been accomplished in some parts of the Christian Church. In the real world, there exists a great many lunatic Christians out there, marinated full of half-truths and perverted reality, who are strongly standing up for Islam and defending the religious honor of Muslims.

Qur'an (9:5) And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists (Christians) wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.

The Muzzie-made News 

Muslims have infiltrated news agencies and they have even managed to persuade many lefties to help them with their propaganda.

The Prophet said, "War is deceit"

The Muzzie Effect

Academia, government, US national security,  foreign relations (Israel), and even parts of the Christian Church, have all been subverted by Muslims striving in Allah's stealth Jihad. 

Islam has been doing a fantastic job of softening up the psyche of America over the past four decades. We are so collectively soft-of-skull we don't even know the Prophet's minions are here to annihilate us, even thought it says right in the Qur'an/Hadith, and even though we were attacked on 9/11/1 by Muslims.

Qur'an (9:111) Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah , so they kill and are killed. a true promise upon Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur'an. And who is truer to his covenant than Allah ? So rejoice in your transaction which you have contracted. And it is that which is the great attainment. 

They have muddied the waters in every aspect of our society and they are deceiving us into believing there is no Jihad.  Unfortunately, there is a very real Jihad and Muslims are trying to annihilate us.

-Fatwa on Islam


  1. More Yuri Bevmenov

  2. Would love to share your excellent research and writing on Digg and Stumble, too.

  3. very good article. what i can't understand is how the dhimmis, the progressives and the liberals have forgotten the history that still has not been perverted. Crusades, Constantinople, the Polish people thwarted the takedown of Europe by Islam..9/11, 7/7, Fort Hood and on ad infinutum...Are they taking erase-memory drugs? Have they also forgotten that as far back as Thomas Jefferson we were warned of Islam's agenda? You just can't fix stupid. And what's more infuriating is how these "stupids" place themselves up as "higher" intellectually. As if Islam is going to conduct a survey first, before the jihad..."Mr. Smith, do you believe that Islam is a religion of peace?" Oh, you do, OKAY, we will jihad around YOU and only murder your neighbor. I am angry that no one wakes up.

    Muslims were also in cahoots with Nazis in WWII. Does Europe ever learn its lesson? As for us, we have a muslim rat in the White House and an Attorney General who goes out of his way to help Muslims and antagonize whites and non-Muslims.

    WAKE UP AMERICA! If you are awake:

  4. So are we really a target for terrorists are is this just propaganda by media? I'm confused and don't know who to believe?I am freinds with a couple of muslims and they don't show hostile tendencies as far as I can percieve.I am just trying to have an understanding that's all...
