Saturday, November 27, 2010

Once is called determination. Twice is called irrationality.

After having my Facebook seized in a digital blasphemy raid by the FB Sharia police for a second time, it seemed imperative that I move my non-trivial writings to a more secure medium and as a result Fatwa on Islam was born.

I fought the forces of Islamic digital supremacy as long as I could.  After my initial Facebook banishment, I swore at Allah and on the Prophet that I'd make my replacement FB even more Allah-irritating than before, just to spite the Prophet's minions who orchestrated my digital demise.

I succeeded in great measure in making my second FB profile even better, with even more Mohammed mockery and infidel education.  The success was relatively short lived, as I woke up one morning to find (once again) the FB Sharia patrol had detained my digital-me for failure to comply with the electronic Sharia.

To: The Allah addicts

I'm determined, but not insane or irrational.  You won the battle of Facebook (at least temporarily).  That might end up costing Allah far more in the long run.  Your ability to silence me on FB  forced me to reinvent the way I do things. Now I have a Facebook, Blog, and a YouTube channel.

Allah damn it...

-Fatwa on Islam

Fatwa on YouTube


  1. Guess they just don't understand, once a Marine ALWAYS a Marine! Which means never giving up!! WTF part of that are they not understanding? :o)

  2. Hi there...I'm new to your page...I just did the exact same thing just preparing for the FB Boot.... My site is "New World Creeper"..but it won't be up for a couple days yet....
    Keep up the good fight and we'll manage without FB !!!!!
    Best of Luck !!

  3. I'm so with you!! But would sure like more info on how you went about this ~ because I have no doubt my name is high on the fatwa list. And, I've gone to a lot of time & trouble to spread the word & gather people(lost a few friends in the process, but figure they were far gone before I came along) So, keep up the good fight, as will I ~ there's no doubt it's an exhausting process, but there is no better fight in the world, than this!!


    This one is going to upset the headbangers once again... Time travel project to "Straighten Out" islam at source in 622AD.

  5. Awesome!! Hope they can't get you here :)

  6. my motto for the terrorist victory mosk is "FIRST BRICK LAID, FIRST SHOT FIRED" i hope i'm not alone

  7. I haven't seen so much hatred inside anyone. Even those fanatics. I can see and blame those fanatics who are blinded with preaches of those priests (moulahs), who just educate hate towards Christians and Christianity. that's because there's a political and ignorance clash between the two sides.

    I don't understand where you guys hatred come from? I am amazed how ignorant you all are, by simply believing what media has to offer and paint Muslims.

    I can guarantee you all, that no religious book preaches violence and other dozen things that you (the author) named. I can guaran-fuckin-tee you. It's the ignorance of those who interpret it. BTW, to interpret Qur'an, it's beyond your comprehension and understanding. You pretend to quot from the Qur'an, thinking that you can fool people and people would believe what you have to say?

    Other folks here give you two thumbs up for fighting the good fight. But, let me tell you this: These folks are as ignorant as you (the author). You will never be able to accomplish anything, except more hatred, more violence and more terror on both sides. If you really, truly want to do something about it; then try to build a bridge between the two sides. First, try to do some more reading, and try to understand what Islam really is. And then try to make others understand and make them aware. Not to plant seed of hatred inside others' heard, by presenting totally wrong information.

    I am a Muslim, and I absolutly respect all other religions. I have as much respect to Christians, Jews, Hindus and other relegions as I have for Muslims. I equally respect The Bible, as much as I respect The Qur'an.

    You will never earn respect, by disrespecting others and other's values and believes.

    Good luck with your fight, and I hope you'll realize your mistake sooner than later.

  8. And you are not listening pal!

    The Islam that I know and came from isn't how you describe it. You pretend to know more about Islam than I (as a Muslim) do. I have been raised in a Muslim society and lived there. I have raised and taught, that there's only 2 type of people, regardless of their religious background, race, and etc. Type A are good people, type B are bad people. One should always try to fall into type A. You should try too.

    To me if a person is good (You can use your common-sense to define what/who's good, if you have any), then his/her religion won't matter. I am pretty sure, that the majority of people agree with me, except some minority folks who have the same kind of mentality as you "Early Light". And I am talking about both sides. In other words, humanity comes before religion. We are first human, then belong to a religion.

    If you (or the author) put so much effort and energy into something useful and good, I can assure you that you'd accomplish something far more valuable, than spreading hatred amongst your fellow humankind.

    So long pal!

  9. What we know about Islam is what the fanatics show us. Perhaps if the Muslims that claim Islam is about peace would do something to stop their fellow Muslims from acting like crazed rabid jackals then perhaps we would take more time to try and understand you...pal.

    Rock on with the Fatwa!

  10. Hey Haroon, seems you were proved wrong, all wrong !
