Friday, June 10, 2011

Deborah Dupre - Stumbling Around Drunk On Stupidity

I just wanted to take a minute to respond to an article about Fatwa On Islam and the Defend Freedom Protests written by the's Debrah Dupre. 

In addition to being mostly incoherent from beginning to end, the wholly irresponsible article [Nationwide July 4 Protests could fuel racial violence] makes many absurd statements and guesses about the Defend Freedom Protests, Fatwa On Islam, and me personally. Some of what was written even has the potential to draw unwarranted negative attention from law enforcement. 

Ms. Dupre makes a claim that I am calling for a violent revolution and (of course) attempts to paint me with the racist brush. The article also insinuates that I conduct my supposedly racism-fueled campaigns under the cloak of anonymity and further speculates that the Defend Freedom Protest Facebook pages, Defend Freedom blog and Fatwa On Islam are operated by some guy named "MrTakeBackAmerica".  

For whatever reason, she has decided that Pulp Ark's chip-in widget (bottom right of this blog) has something to do with "the owner's three kids moving to Australia and away from the Islam influence".  I only have two kids, and I'm staying in America for life. But you can help out Pulp, who is one of my apostate friends living in a Muzz country, get away from the lunatics and move to Australia (via that particular widget). 

It is pretty funny that throughout the entirety of her belligerent article the obviously intellectually malnourished Ms. Dupre seems to communicate a keen interest in putting her investigative journalism skills to good use and appears to want to track down the shadowy figure behind all the coming violence and racism (aka Defend Freedom Protests). 

I can only assume an extraordinarily low IQ is to blame for her not simply clicking on the link labeled Jarrad Winter (on the right hand side of this blog),or the link labeled "Jarrad" on the Defend Freedom blog and solving the "mystery" in short order. 

It's just as easy to find me and the other organizers by simply visiting the Defend Freedom Facebook pages (which were referenced in the Examiner article) and looking at the "page owners". The admins are listed on every single one of the over 50 Facebook pages dedicated to the July 4th Defend Freedom Protest Events.  

Hopefully, after reading this, Deborah will no longer find herself at a loss with regards to my identity. I've even included a picture at the top of this post to assist in the effort.

As to the intellectually bankrupt racism charge:

It's an incontrovertible scientific fact that "Muslim" is not a race. Muslims are those who willingly follow the teaching and commandments of Muhammad. The ideology laid out by Islam's founder is rooted in deception, hatred, and deadly violence. The spread of Islam throughout the world is a direct consequence of brutal oppression through bloody horror.

From start to finish, the Islamic insanity is the direct result of a murderous life example provided by one of the most psychotic and perverted individuals to ever roam the planet (Prophet Molester, the child rapist).  Islam is a virus that plagues the whole of humanity today, just as it has for the past 1400 years. 

There is no redeeming feature in Islam. It's unequivocally barbaric and has been a relentless force in direct opposition to all freedom since the days of Prophet Genocide. Islamism is nothing less than Nazism with Muhammad as the Fuhrer. It will not change, because it cannot change. Otherwise, it would no longer be Islam (according the very lunatic who dreamed up the Islamic nightmare).

He who knows nothing is closer to the truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors. -Thomas Jefferson


  1. Wow. I never heard of Ms. Dupre, but she sounds like a total nitwit. How embarrassing for her to be exposed as such an ignorant liar. She needs to print a retraction and apologize to you. Nice picture, by the way!

  2. I just ran across your blog. I'm glad I did. I can fully identify with your stance on Islam. I truly get pissed at the dhimmis these days. I live in Australia, I drive thru a predominately Muslim are called Bankstown. From now on I plan on blasting the song at top right of your site as I drive thru. With the windows down mind you. It's difficult to get people to listen to whats going on world wide, when they seem to want to keep their heads in the sand. I started my own blog a few months back. But I'm not much of a writer. Got my first comment just recently. I guess I'll just keep on truckin. I guess it helps me vent. I'll frequent you site often.

  3. "Hopefully, after reading this, Deborah will no longer find herself at a loss with regards to my identity. I've even included a picture at the top of this post to assist in the effort.'
    --that was my favorite part. :)
    Debroah whats-her-name is one of the sheeple.....clueless

  4. Jarrad, why don't you (if you haven't already, that is) start networking with the police, you know, letting them know who you are & what your activities are, so that by the time some poor tabloid wannabe pseudo-journalist writes another libelous statement against you, they'll know who's full of shit? It's good to have 'em on your side, somehow. Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer :P Mononeuronal parasites are no one's friend.

  5. Great idea elvis. Couldn't hurt. But like what the Police have done to the EDL in Britian, could possibly have an opposite effect. As they know patriots respect the rule of law would be more compliant in following the police advice, would then possibly tend to arrest people from Fatwa On Islam during protests than the Islamist agro agitators. As with the EDL, Brit cops have forced them into signing "contracts" not to get out of line at "any" time. So if both sides start throwing punch or what else, it's the patriot Brits that are arrested, more times than not. As the Brit cops know Islamists will run riot through towns there, as they have done in past. And we've all seen the videos of the Islamist protesters chasing the cops down their streets. Shameful. The only way your advice "might" work is if Jarrad sat down with the police to show them he is serious about being non violent.

  6. A couple FBI agents in my area already know me somewhat. I received death threats from the now defunct (a little while after their South Park death threats)which forced me to contact them.

    Initially (after meeting with them about my situation), I had agreed to work with them in a capacity that I've been asked to pretty much keep quiet.

    In the "for realz life", I'm software architect/developer (I specialize in security). My technical skills were of value to them. That's all the details I probably should give so as to not violate my promise to them.

    Anyway, I realized that given the state of the infiltration and subversion, no matter how hard the FBI and others work, they are completely hand-cuffed by the in-roads made by Jihadists. The folks in charge of keeping us safe are trapped in the false narrative they've help create by not understanding the threat of Islam.

    Beside have familiarity with the FBI in my area,iIt also helps that I haven't called for violence and have made it clear that is the last resort, and it's not time to start in on anything like that (yet).

    There is opportunity to correct the course using the voice and the force of will the people can bring to bear by protesting, publicly calling Islam what it is at all times, and NEVER shutting up about our demands for Islam to be declared the terrorist organization Muhammad intended it to be.

    Throw the subversive and deadly Muslims out now!

  7. LOL! She's INSANE!

    Just another shrill leftarded shill for the fear-mongering victimology industry!

    Who's this "Comrade Castro" guy she's so scared of, anyway? He only has 32 FB friends LOL!

    "MrTakeBackAmerica" is the handle used by whoever put up the YouTube video "PATRIOTS, GET READY, IT HAPPENS JULY 4TH 2011"

    Seems he's prolly that Adam Kokesh guy?

    (Seems to be a Ron Paul rally...Ron Paul's Rally for the Republic in St. Paul, Minnesota)...

    Not to worry, Jarred! With enemies this incompetent, who needs friends?


  8. Jarrad had been fighting along with me for over a year. Like much of you, I never meet him, but I trust him. Please listen and support him.

    We won't be able to fight our enemy within our lifetime, and the End had already begun. But the L-rd has promised us victory. Let Him use us, as His children, to be instrumental in this.

    I am Pulp Ark (the English name for Kapal Kertas), please visit my blog here, Jarrad is helping me to keep my money, so I won't 'accidentally' use it.

    Please do really drop just one (really one) dollar to my Chip-In, I really need that from each one of you. Thanks again and Blessings.

  9. I absolutely love (sarcasm) people that do not fact check and slander others without credible evidence. This does absolutely nothing for anyone.

    I know of one group who has amassed a counter protest for July 4th, after seeing the people involved... I declined to be involved. There has to be a basic understanding of the Islamic trilogy and mannerisms BEFORE you jump into something like this. These are not your not your normal enemies as we have dealt with ion the past. Going in "half -cocked" and being raving morons will only incite chaos... no thanks. That time is coming soon enough. When and if it does, I will defend my home and family as need be; not from the chaotic turmoil caused by someone who would not listen to reason on how to deal with these people.

    Yes Islam is the enemy, yes the infiltration needs to STOP, the demands and appeasements need to stop and jerks like Dupre and the organizers of other groups need to Shut Up! She does nothing but bring hatred toward you, possible harm towards you and only tries to further Islam. Good luck to you!!!
