Wednesday, August 3, 2011

CAIR Admits The Anti-Jihadis Are Having An Impact

CAIR is integral piece of the Jihadist infrastructure in America. The organization is wholly subversive in nature, deceptive at every turn, and committed to destroying the west from within.

CAIR and it's political influence span from coast-to-coast and they are performing the critical mission of acting as a propaganda arm for stealth Jihad with a great deal of success. They have connections all over in Washington and they are constantly being referenced by the leftist media.

Every member of CAIR should rounded up, charged with treason, and, after successful prosecution, a full measure of retribution should be applied to each one, rendering the threat coming from them null, void, and dead. That aside, Ibrahim Hooper, the spokes-hole for CAIR, made an interesting observation in the video below.

It's the same observation I've heard from people who have been in the counter-Jihad movement for many years. Both sides seem to agree, the small and vocal group of people speaking out and saying "no more Islam" are starting to have a noticeable impact and are actually changing the dynamics of the game.

In Hooper's observation, it's been within the last "two years" that things have really started changing for the worse in the eyes of Muhammad's minions. That matches pretty close the observations of those on the side of the counter-Jihad.

It seems pretty clear to me, the Muzzies are feeling the pressure of a society which is starting to wake up and beginning the process of rejecting the insanity of Islam.

According to CAIR, 50% of the Muslims say they are discriminated against, many Muslims say it's worse than immediately after 9/11, and they are all whining as loud as they possibly can about "Islamaphobia". Those are strong signs of progress in the counter-jihad and very positive indicators. Hopefully, next year, Hooper will have to report an increase of 10% or so.



  1. Thank You so much for this post! As it is easy to feel defeated with the depravity we see over the wire day in day out!NS!

  2. Simple. After 9/11 we were told that it was basically 19 crazies + one mastermind of Osama bin Laden. The next 6 years Islam proved that not to be true. In the last two years they have gotten loud and demanding. I'm proud to be a part of the effort that is making them squirm. Thanks Jarrad

  3. CAIR is one of the best examples of Taiqyya = lies in action. "Political correctness is a TOOL, a weapon, used by the enemy to subvert it. To blind ones enemies through LIES, Taqiyya, Takiyah, or taqiyah are all lies and weapons to paralyze ones enemies psychologically. Islam has had over 1400 years of practice. The WEST has forgotten how POWERFUL the TRUTH is." We anti-jihadis or FREEDOM FIGHTERS, Need to speak it CLEARLY, LOUDLY and OFTEN. alan
