The Afghan Jihad in progress over NATO troops burning Qur'ans belonging to terrorists has proven once again Islam's incompatibility with western civilization and rational thought. When will the know-nothings wake up?
Even after the White House offered a full apology, and the Muslim arse-kissing general promised the "precious religious materials" of Islam would be protected at all costs moving forward, the violent Qur'an burning psychosis has yet to be suppressed. For two days and counting, the allah-insanity has raged in Afghanistan. There has been plenty of serious injuries and the dead bodies are piling up.
Even after the White House offered a full apology, and the Muslim arse-kissing general promised the "precious religious materials" of Islam would be protected at all costs moving forward, the violent Qur'an burning psychosis has yet to be suppressed. For two days and counting, the allah-insanity has raged in Afghanistan. There has been plenty of serious injuries and the dead bodies are piling up.
Protests - Day #1
Protests - Day #2
Fatwa Flashback: The last time the sights and sounds of the "religion of peace" filled the news over Qur'ans being burned, General "Sheikh" Patraeus was on every news channel apologizing for the heinous acts committed against the "Holy Qur'an", and Lindsey Graham was out dreaming of some tyrannical device whereby people could be held legally accountable for exercising free speech (Qur'an burning).
Sheikh "Holy Qur'an" Petraeus (2.7.2011)
How are we ever going to defeat the Islamofascists if the American military is afraid of burning the very book that served as the mandate for 9/11?
Qur'an (9:111) Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah , so they kill and are killed. [It is] a true promise [binding] upon Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur'an. And who is truer to his covenant than Allah ? So rejoice in your transaction which you have contracted. And it is that which is the great attainment.
America has become a dhimmi nation. We have "submitted" to religion of allah. There exists no better example of this truth than the fact we contort ourselves in submissive pretzels and promise to protect Islamic unholy books from being burned by whatever means possible, and at the same time burn bibles just because their existence might offend the Muslims.
It's long past time we stop pretending Islam is anything another other than a 7th century creed of blood, horrors, and sexual perversion dreamed up by a child rapist. This treating Muslims as a protected class and playing make-believe about the backwardness of Islam being equal to other religions and the western way of life is quite enough already!
why dont we stop war and just be in peace?