Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The F.I.T.N.A Project

Fatwa's Islamic Terror Nexus Analyzer

What is F.I.T.N.A?

F.I.T.N.A is software designed to crawl the internet and identify nefarious Muslims, Islamist groups, Mosques, Madrassas, Islamic Centers, and other Jihad infrastructure—all without the aid of human intervention. In short, it's the Counter Jihad's first artificial intelligence.

How does it work?

F.I.T.N.A was built from a combination of web crawler components and an adaptive learning engine that I developed using a variety of machine learning and computer vision techniques.

Here's the basic flow:

  • Sample data is processed by the learning engine to create a baseline profile of what Jihad "looks" like
  • Website and social media content discovered by the web crawler is analyzed and compared to the baseline data
  • Matching content is flagged, further processed, and added to the baseline (in this way F.I.T.N.A always gets "smarter")
As for the initial sample data used to "teach" F.I.T.N.A how-to identify Jihad, it consists of several translations of the Qur'an, various Hadith collections, Muhammad's biography, and a large corpus of content from known Islamist websites.

Ultimately, the goal is for F.I.T.N.A to be as accurate as any Counter Jihadist at identifying Jihad on the internet.

Where did the idea come from?

My original idea was to create a snapshot of Jihad in the Infidel world. I wanted to display the last 20 years of terror attacks alongside known terror training camps, Mosques, Madrassas, and other Islamic locations. To that end, I started writing software to help me locate, compile, and analyze the massive amount of data required to create the master map of Jihad I envisioned. Along the way, I realized I was developing software that could be easily extended to map digital-Jihad as well. F.I.T.N.A was born when I further concluded there's nothing (except some extra time and code) standing in the way of a fully automated system.

Note: I considered making F.I.T.N.A open-source software, but I decided against it. Outside of keeping the source code a secret, there's no way for me to guarantee F.I.T.N.A remains aimed at Islam. I just won't risk supplying Muslims with the technological means to auto-discover the Counter Jihad. Innocent Infidels would be murdered—and I would feel partially responsible by virtue of having published the code that helped find them.

Qur'an (8:39) And fight them until there is no fitna (disbelief and polytheism: worshiping others besides Allah) and the religion, all of it, is for Allah.