Sunday, May 15, 2011

The 3rd Palestinian Intifada has begun

Jerusalem - Qalandiya Checkpoint
This first official day of the Intifada kicked off as anticipated. From surrounding Muslim nations, the minions attempted to descend upon Israel with nefarious intentions, exactly as instructed.

In solidarity with the Palestinian barbarians, the Muhammadans, both inside and outside of Israel, came together and manufactured a circumstance wherein chaos reigned supreme, and violence, or the threat thereof, filled every minute of the day.

All throughout Sunday, fires were set, things were destroyed, riots broke out everywhere, and people lost their lives. In sum total, it was a day I'm sure the Prophet would have been proud to have been a part.

Jerusalem - Qalandiya Checkpoint

Jerusalem - Qalandiya Checkpoint

Jerusalem - Qalandiya Checkpoint

Jerusalem - Shaufat

West Bank - Hebron

West Bank - Ramallah

Golan Heights (Syrian Border)

Jordanian Border

Lebanese Border

On Sunday, the Israelis were attacked by no fewer than every single Muslim country which shares a common border, and the minions who have been using Facebook to orchestrate all the insanty have promised this is just the beginning.

The plan is a 2 million Muslim march to "the borders of Palestine to liberate millions from the hands of the rapist Jews, Allah willing".

No word yet if the minions will be bumpin' "Long Live Palestine" on their way to sow additional hate and discontent with the Jews...

The Hebrews have done more to civilize men than any other nation. If I were an atheist, and believed blind eternal fate, I should still believe that fate had ordained the Jews to be the most essential instrument for civilizing the nations. -John Adams

-Fatwa On Islam

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for collecting the minute details of the unfolding event. I have linked it to my site as a comment, This might be the beginning of something of Biblical proportion. Please continue Praying for Israel, and let the Lord allow us be instrumental for His Second Coming. God Bless and Protect us all.
