Sunday, May 1, 2011

Fatwa - Bin Laden killed

Good-bye bin Laden. Don't forget to offer allah our best and enjoy your virgins. 

Fox News
Usama bin Laden is dead, multiple sources confirm to Fox News.

President Obama is expected to deliver a statement from the White House Sunday night to discuss the major development.

Sources said bin Laden was killed by a U.S. bomb a week ago. The U.S. had been waiting for the results of a DNA test to confirm his identity.

The announcement comes nearly a decade after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks which started a tireless hunt for the terrorist mastermind and Al Qaeda leader. [foxnews]

[update 5/2]

This initial report from fox only had one thing right, Bin Laden is dead.  He was shot in the head, not by exploded by a bomb.  Also, it happened on Sunday not a week ago.

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