Friday, May 20, 2011

What Netanyahu Should Say - America's very existence is an act of grace for the entire world

Note: I misread this article initially. 

The following excerpt is from a speech was written by MK Yaakov Katz.  He wrote it hopes that Netanyahu would deliver it.  If you read this post when it was first posted I had credited Netanyahu.  

In any event, this is the first few paragraphs of the speech MK Yaakov Katz has written and obviously hopes America will hear his message. 

In 1492, two events of great historical significance occurred.

An evil decree of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain brought about the expulsion of the 150,000 Jews of Spain from the country where they had once lived tranquilly and had had a semblance of civil rights.

Yet an act of deliverance preceded this debacle, when, in the same year, Christopher Columbus discovered America. This was the start of the American nation, the nation whose very existence is an act of grace for the entire world and for the Jewish people in particular.

America was fated one day to become a place of refuge and support for the Jewish people.

Our people feel great affection for the American nation, which became a safe harbor for us towards the end of our exile. We thank the Almighty for choosing the American people to be the best and most helpful friend in our efforts to establish a national homeland for the Jewish people.

From the very start, there has been a covenant of love and friendship between the American people and the Jewish people and its state. The United States of America has stood by Israel in the past, in the present and will, please G-d, stand by her forever.

Perhaps, our next President will revere America as much as does Katz...


  1. A picture is worth a thousand words. Obama can speak for himself. America sands with Israel.
