Sunday, December 11, 2011

Lowe's Jihad - Senator Ted Lieu

Ted Lieu is a state Senator from my belligerent state, California. He's the Senator going after Lowe's for pulling their advertisements from the All American Muslim propaganda show.

Lieu is not a Muslim. He's a Catholic. However, it's clearly evident from this status message on his Facebook page that he has been entirely subverted by the Islamists from CAIR.

"Honored to be at #CAIR banquet. The anti-Islamic bigots demonstrating outside should go home. Religious diversity makes America stronger."

Besides being a bunch of professional subversives and agitators, CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) is a Muslim Brotherhood affiliate, and an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial.

The Lieu situation is an excellent example of one of the ways the Islamists push civilization/stealth jihad...

The Muslims get a hold of the soft-heads, tell them some fable about wanting diversity, and then cry about oppression. The brainless twits then jump to their rescue, only to advocate on behalf of their own demise. The Islamists feed their egos and continuously praise them for all their hard work at "ending bigotry", while encouraging them to roll out the red carpet for the destruction of western civilization, all freedom, and all diversity.

On Facebook, you can keep up with the latest and help put pressure on Lieu here.


  1. What gives you the power OR authority to tell anyone, whether personal, or corporate what they can or CANNOT do with their own money? This country was founded on the principles of "FREEDOM" for all! If you don't like that, then go live in the country that operates on the principles you believe in! There are a lot of other countries in the world that could make you happy. But here we do NOT believe in one person's will being IMPOSED on someone else! What if I were to tell you that you HAD to attend a particular church, OF MY CHOOSING? What would you say then? So where do YOU get off telling someone else what to do?

  2. Exactly William. They became enboldened when Obama/Pelosi/Reid passed the Healthcare Bill that told of what we HAD to buy and from whom. We responded strongly to Sentar Lieu and his MI counterpart, a Muslim representative who is threatening to sue Lowe's for "religious discrimination" (of all things Muslim!). Here are our two responses. I think they may think twice about attempting to bring this issue to court!
    Sen Lieu:

    Rep. Rashida Tlaib:

  3. @William - I hope to all non-moslem gods that your comment was not directed at Jarrad.

    Jarrad: "Muslims get a hold of the soft-heads, tell them some fable about wanting diversity, and then cry about oppression. The brainless twits then jump to their rescue" - oh how very sad and true!! Yet even sadder the vanity of man that he will follow whomever kisses his ass before he follows his freedom...
