Sunday, August 17, 2014

Facts are stubborn things: The Islamic State is exactly like the very first Muslim nation

The prophet of Islam raped, terrorized, and murdered his way to the first Caliphate in Islamic history. It's all very clear from Islam's "holy" books that the latest Muslim nation is nearly identical to the first.

Forced conversions, extortion, and terror in the new Islamic State

"If they refuse to accept Islam, demand from them the Jizya [infidel protection tax]. If they agree to pay, accept it from them and hold off your hands. If they refuse to pay the tax, seek Allah's help and fight them." -Muhammad

Little kids murdered in Iraq by the Islamic State

"Messenger of Allah, we kill children of polytheists during night raids. He said: They are from them"

Islamic State mercilessly slaughters "apostates"

"Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him." -Muhammad

Genocide inside the Islamic State

"Kill any Jew who falls into your power." -Muhammad

Islamic State turns captured infidels into sex slaves

"We have made lawful to you your wives to whom you have given their due compensation and those [captives] your right hand possesses" -Muhammad

Not one Christian left in Mosul

"I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslim." -Muhammad

The Islamic State is a bloody nightmare today, just as it was 1400 years ago.

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