The DHS blog has a new post from Secretary Napolitano. It is laden with the typical belligerency that has become the norm from the those who are supposed to be keeping us safe, but who instead continue to spend their time pushing a political narrative that is so far detached from reality it is mind-boggling.
How DHS is Countering Violent Extremism
Posted by Secretary Napolitano
For the past several years, DHS and our partners have worked to develop and strengthen a homeland security ”enterprise” to reduce risks, protect our nation, and respond effectively to a terrorist attack or a natural disaster. This effort is based on the simple but powerful premise that our homeland security begins with hometown security.
In other words, we are all stakeholders in the effort to keep our families and communities, our businesses, our social networks, and our places of meeting and worship, secure and resilient. Together, we’re building a strong foundation to protect communities from terrorism and other threats, while safeguarding the fundamental rights of all Americans.
Today’s threats are rapidly evolving, and they require our vigilance, as well as our willingness to learn and adapt. We know that terrorist groups inspired by al Qaeda’s ideology are seeking to inspire and recruit Westerners to carry out attacks with little or no warning. Indeed, one of the most striking aspects of today’s threat picture is that plots to attack America increasingly involve American residents and citizens.
But we also know that violent extremism isn’t constrained by international borders, or by any single ideology. Research and experience shows that religion, ethnicity, and cultural background do not explain why a small few choose to take their radical beliefs down a violent path. Because there is no single profile of a would-be terrorist, we therefore don't have the luxury of focusing our efforts on any particular group.
That is why over the past eighteen months, DHS has been working with a broad range of partners to gain a better understanding of the behaviors, tactics, and other indicators that could point to terrorist activity. And we’re sharing what we know about the best ways to mitigate or prevent that activity.
Our approach to countering violent extremism emphasizes the strength of local communities. We begin with the premise that well-informed and -equipped families, communities, and local institutions represent the best defense against terrorist ideologies and violent extremists.
And while our primary purpose is to prevent a terrorist attack by individuals recruited by violent extremists, or inspired by an extremist ideology, we also support strong and resilient communities as important ends in themselves.
A new Fact Sheet we are releasing today outlines our three main objectives:
- Support and coordinate efforts to better understand the phenomenon of violent extremism, including assessing the threat it poses to the Nation as a whole and within specific communities;
- Bolster efforts to catalyze and support non-governmental, community-based programs, and strengthen relationships with communities that may be targeted for recruitment by violent extremists; and
- Disrupt and deter recruitment or individual mobilization through support for local law enforcement programs, including information-driven, community-oriented policing efforts that for decades have proven effective in preventing violent crime.
America has a long history of communities playing an active role in their own security. Today, hometowns across the country are working together, building a strong foundation for a secure and resilient homeland.
Protecting the nation is a shared responsibility and we all have a role to play.
I responded to this lunacy in the form of a comment on the blog moments after it was posted. I read it and got so damned irritated by the insanity I was forced into it.
According to their policy, they will review the post and make a determination on whether to permit the post to become public.
Real freedom of speech has long ago been replaced by nice sounding political speak meant to build and support the delusions held by the ruling class. It's unlikely my comment will ever see the light of day over there. It's far too factual and goes entirely against the political narrative...
Every American with any understanding of Islam is tired of the nonsense and propaganda coming out of the administration.
We are tired of the fact that violent terrorism is mandated in the Qur'an and Hadith, Muslims commit acts of terrorism EVERYDAY the world over, and the know-nothings in government sit around pretending like Islam and Muslims have nothing to do with terrorism. We are tired of words like "violent extremism" being put in place of the words Islamofascists, Muslims, and Islamic terrorism.
It is nothing but intellectual depravity and a willful disregard for the facts (and 1400 years of Islamic history) to take such an insane position.
I write this as a patriotic American. I'm a single dad, US Marine, blogger, and educated on Islam. I do not hate. I am not racist. I am just tired of the insanity surrounding the discussion of Islam.
Islam is what it is and it's dangerous. That is self-evident in the words and life of Muhammad, which are written in the Qur'an and the Hadith...
No more Islam and no fact perversion or reality obfuscation from those tasked with protecting us from real threats. That is your job. It's not making everything look like a real threat so as to hide the truth of what we are facing.
Defend Freedom
Defend Freedom: Project Threat Matrix
Fatwa On Islam
Fatwa On YouTube
Fatwa On Facebook
We are tired of the fact that violent terrorism is mandated in the Qur'an and Hadith, Muslims commit acts of terrorism EVERYDAY the world over, and the know-nothings in government sit around pretending like Islam and Muslims have nothing to do with terrorism. We are tired of words like "violent extremism" being put in place of the words Islamofascists, Muslims, and Islamic terrorism.
It is nothing but intellectual depravity and a willful disregard for the facts (and 1400 years of Islamic history) to take such an insane position.
I write this as a patriotic American. I'm a single dad, US Marine, blogger, and educated on Islam. I do not hate. I am not racist. I am just tired of the insanity surrounding the discussion of Islam.
Islam is what it is and it's dangerous. That is self-evident in the words and life of Muhammad, which are written in the Qur'an and the Hadith...
No more Islam and no fact perversion or reality obfuscation from those tasked with protecting us from real threats. That is your job. It's not making everything look like a real threat so as to hide the truth of what we are facing.
Defend Freedom
Defend Freedom: Project Threat Matrix
Fatwa On Islam
Fatwa On YouTube
Fatwa On Facebook
To my complete surprise, whoever makes the call on the DHS blog has actually allowed my comment to post. Maybe that happened because I posted on Fatwa first. I'm not sure, but I know that I had no belief they would actually allow it through. Chalk one up for free speech and taking it to the man. Actually, in this case, the woman. ;)
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