Sunday, August 28, 2011

Islamophobic Muslim

In conjunction with leftist propaganda groups, subversive Muslim organizations have for years been using the Jihadist manufactured concept of "Islamophobia" to vilify individuals who have made public that they are fervently opposed to the idea of allowing Muslims to finish "destroying the Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers". The lefty and Jihadi collectives have leveraged this artificial notion to publicly shame and marginalize the so-called racist and bigoted right-wing conspiracy theorists.

Islamophobia has become their "tolerance doctrine" enabled, and "political correctness" fortified, mechanism for silencing and demonizing critics. They have created the false perception of racist bigotry, and associated this synthetic bigotry with those who are exposing the Muslim infiltrators' attempt to destroy western civilization from within. In practice, jumping up and down while screaming ISLAMOPHOBE, RACIST, and BIGOT, has become the real-world strategy for character assassinations, and for deflecting scrutiny away from Muslims and Islam.

The Jihadist and left-wing propaganda machines have extensively propagated the Islamophobia narrative. There are groups on every social network, blogs galore, rallies on college campuses, and plenty of media coverage, dedicated to ensnaring the emotions of non-Muslims and capitalizing on their ignorance. As a functional part of this false narrative, propaganda pieces, deceptively labeled "reports", are produced to reinforce the fabricated premise of blind-bigotry and legitimize the slanderous accusations of hate.

In June, the Hamas supporting Muslim Brotherhood propaganda outfit, CAIR, in cooperation with UC Berkley, released a "report" on Islamophobia entitled Same Hate, New Target. The report is a bunch of gibberish and nonsense which targeted by name those who speak out against the horrors of Sharia law being forcibly imposed over time by the seditious activity of Muslim subversives.

Just a few days ago, The Center for American Progress, a politically powerful group closely tied to the Obummer administration, released another report, in which people are once again targeted by name, entitled Fear Inc.: The Roots of the Islamophobia Network in America.

The reports and the organizations behind them have put much effort and expense into trying to create a perception that those who say there is a decades old initiative to systematically destroy America and claim it for allah are tinfoil hat wearing psychotics, or hateful bigots who have manufactured a conspiracy theory to play on the fears of people to suit some nefarious ambition.

The Jihadist organizations like CAIR know well and good the "conspiracy theory" is actually the Muslim Brotherhood's long standing and documented agenda for America. However, it's my belief, the leftists have for the most part simply been deceived by the Jihadists (taqiyya). I believe the soft-heads usher in their own demise in blissful ignorance and propelled by real rage at the manufactured hate crime of Islamophobia. The leftists are the useful idiots. It is by definition their job to be both helpful and stupid. They are doing a bang-up job in both departments.

The video below is of a self-labeled "Marxist Muslim" from Canada by the name of Tarek Fatah. During the course of his 15 minute talk, he dispels the myths that the Jihadist groups and their leftist enablers are propagating about the "right-wingers" sanity. And he not only asserts the truthfulness of Islamophobes "hateful" rhetoric, he also calls for freedom loving people to fight against the tyranny of Islamofascism and the forces of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Tarek is very clear in his assertions that stealth Jihadist organizations have infiltrated the West, and very clear there is an Islamofascistic ideology behind the invasion. And he is unwavering in his statement that civilization is in grave danger because of it. Those are exactly the same things the Islamophobes have been screaming for years. He's obviously an Islamophobic Muslim.

Personally, I disagree with Tarek's assertion that he is a Muslim. He most certainly seems to value freedom and seems to stand against any movement to bring Sharia and real Islam to the west. I wrote him on Facebook and told him those things lead me to my belief that he is not a Muslim. I have yet to receive anything in response to that message.

I read the message, played some clips of this video, and discussed his comments on yesterday's broadcast of Tyranny's Nemesis. I've embedded the show below for those who are interested. (I played the clips during the second hour of the show)

Listen to Tyranny's Nemesis on Blog Talk Radio

There are other self-proclaimed Muslims who have warned against the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamofascism as well. All of these so-called Muslims have the same problem. They simply aren't Muslims, but they keep attempting to rationalize the world through quasi-Islamic lenses. Because of this, they stop short of the seeing the full truth. Islam is the problem and has been the source of all the insanity.

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