Sunday, September 25, 2011

Fatwa Backs Herman Cain In 2012

A while back, I made a big ol' scene when Herman Cain apologized to Muslims, and I even said I would not give him another thought as a presidential candidate because of it. I've changed my mind. Other than the undeserved apology issued to Muslims, he seems like someone who will target the most dangerous aspects of Islam in America.

Just a few days ago, he promised to prosecute CAIR and move to establish the Muslim Brotherhood as a designated terrorist group. As a country, starting with the subversive Muslims (Muslim Brotherhood) and the explode-themselves Jihadis (Al-Shabab, Al-Qaeda, Hamas, etc..) is the right way to go. It's a huge problem and has to be bitten off in chunks anyway.

The secondary issue of what to do about Islam in general, and where the non-dangerous "reformist" Muslims fit in, is a critically important issue. However, it clearly falls below getting rid of the immediately dangerous Jihadists on the national security priority list.

The fact Cain is cognizant of the Brotherhood and generally speaks out against Islam, means he is at least coming at the problem from the correct angle. Truthfully, I believe he still lacks a "complete" understanding and "perfect" clarity on the issue, but he's someone willing to take on the issue and push for actual action against the source of the threat.

Cain's official stance on Muslims still rings with some fear and worry about a politically correct backlash, but one has to consider that he's running for president. He has to speak to the common person's understanding, and not violate the average person's sensibilities. The hard truth about Islam is certainly not common knowledge.

In the past, Cain has made some strong and outstanding statements against Islam, which clearly indicate his true perception of the whole situation. His reaction to the very idea of putting the subversive Muslims in government speaks to his generally correct understanding of the issues.

From a political and issues standpoint, I think he has real ideas for the tax code, the economy, and he knows how to articulate a conservative platform. Also, as an added bonus, he's a black guy. That means the "race" nonsense is neutralized in his candidacy, which frees up time to talk about real issues (and I think most people are tired of the race-peddlers and all the crap that goes along with that anyway).

Taking everything into account that I've seen from him, I believe Herman Cain will be strong on national security and he seems like a guy who will shake up Washington. Those are two things we need as a country, in my opinion. And barring some unforeseen and disastrous flip-flop, he has my vote.

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