Thursday, September 22, 2011

Psychological Warfare - Islamophobia

[Update 9/25] Most of Tyranny's Nemesis was dedicated to psychological warfare and Islamic propaganda

Recently, the FBI has come under fire for sponsoring terrorism trainers who teach the incontrovertible correlation between fundamental Islamic doctrines and acts of terrorism perpetrated by Muslims. Of course, the professional subversives and agitators at CAIR have taken the lead in screaming ISLAMOPHOBIA, attacking the so-called bigoted trainers, and demanding an immediate remedy from the bureau.

The FBI has been quick to reassure the Jihadists and explain that all references to the truth about Islam have been banished, because such things are inconsistent with their politically correct guidelines. Unfortunately for every infidel-American, the FBI's public response clearly indicates that future terrorism training will likely be devoid of facts, data, and rational conclusions.

Instead of cowering in the corner, like puppies who were caught peeing on the carpet, the FBI should be spending their energy arresting these so-called Muslim "civil rights" activists for their seditious activity.

Honestly, I don't know how the FBI can be so blind as to not see what's going on, and so ignorant as to not understand the strategy at work. Not only is it very obvious exactly what the treasonous minions of Muhammad are doing, but their ends were spelled out concisely in an internal Muslim Brotherhood memo, which was seized and presented as evidence in the (successfully prosecuted) 2007 Holy Land Foundation trial.

4. Understanding the role of the Muslim Brother in North America

The process of settlement is a "Civilization-Jihadist Process" with all the word means. The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions. [source doc]

It's all written out in plain English, and everywhere you look you can find Muslims in America working tirelessly to destroy the Constitution and replace it with the filth and horrors of Sharia Law. For decades, the Muslim Brotherhood (largest Islamic organization in the world) has utilized targeted propaganda, as well as other psychological tactics (via their front groups), to wage Jihad against infidel countries and to increase the number Muslims who subscribe to the Ikhwan's Jihadist philosophy. Public relations stunts, propaganda campaigns, frivolous lawsuits, and a laundry list of additional attacks are generated specifically to target the psyche of Americans, increase their power base among Muslims, and weaken our society's response to the invasion.

Psychological Warfare

The KGB specialized in psychological warfare, which they termed "active measures". In the past, America was targeted by these so-called "active measures", as were many other countries. The residual evidence of the (partially) successful endeavor in America is plainly visible for all to see.

Ever wonder what caused the far left to became so insane, or where all the illogical anti-American behavior of Obummer and his leftist kin originated?

Well, the quasi-Marxist ideology, which has infected the democrat party, is the bastardized offspring of the Soviets attempt to destroy us from within. As they attempted to subvert America with their ideology, they injected all sorts of propaganda into the media, literature, academia, and politics, under the guise of high-minded intellectualism. This had the net effect of causing a percentage of the country to develop a distorted view of American history, our principles, and the value of the nation.

In simple terms, subversives turned Americans against their own country on an intellectual level. This spawned much of the perverse and anti-American line of reasoning that has become the far left's political platform.

As should be evident by looking around at the sad state of affairs in America (socialism everywhere), ideological subversion is a highly effective strategy for pushing an agenda. Psychological warfare is cheap, and it "can" be more effective than trying to take out an opposing country using military force, and can also be a force multiplier, if used in conjunction with military actions. If executed correctly, subversive measures provide the capability for a relatively small group to effectively wage war against an entire nation.

Ideological Subversion Defined
[Full interview here]

History & Theory of Ideological Subversion
[Full lecture here]

Yuri Bezmenov [Tomas Schuman] was a Soviet defector and KGB agent.

Obviously, Muslims are not fighting on behalf of the Soviet Union, or to instigate a communist revolution. Instead, their goal is to enslave the population in Sharia Law, and they are fighting for allah (Jihad). Those differences aside, the methodologies articulated by Muslim Brotherhood theologians over the decades mirror those used by the Soviet's to propagate their totalitarian system through ideological subversion.

Like the communists before them, the stealth Jihadists have been highly successful at inserting themselves into the media, academia, politics, and pretty much everything else. It is from these embedded and protected positions that they are allowed to wage "psychological Jihad" against the masses.

It's extremely distressing to watch them make so much progress in legitimizing their deceptive narratives, as well as the subversive organizations behind them. Case in point, just the other day, Bill O'Reilly decided to conduct an interview with CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) and talk about Islamophobia...

It seems that O'Reilly is unaware that Islamophobia is an artificial construct, and that it was manufactured by Jihadists. The point of the term is to shame society generally, and persuade individuals to self-impose a set personal restraints against questioning Muslims or Islam, by leveraging the fear of being called an INTOLERANT, BIGOT, or RACIST to compel "voluntary" compliance.

In his ignornace, O'Reilly gave credence to one of the most pervasive Jihadist threats in America and he willingly opened up his show to the hysteria of the Islamophobia rhetoric. That was very dumb, but he is not alone in his simpleness. Many or most of those in the media fall prey to the same lack of understanding. For O'Reilly, the ill-advised move ended in utter disaster, as the CAIR rep chewed him up and spit him out. O'Reilly got spun like a top in the "no spin zone". Tragically, in doing so, he allowed subversives to pump their propaganda into the conservative dialog without a legitimate intellectual challenge, because he clearly failed in his attempt to discredit their claims.

The moral of the story is, the Jihadi propagandists have successfully framed the invaders as victims, turned Americans against Americans, and they are well on their way to attaining their goal. Their aggressive psychological tactics are intended to create confusion, demoralize the nation, generate reality distortion, and instigate societal instability.

Psy-Ops are not the invention of fictional international conspiracy movies. They are well understood and highly effective means of pushing agendas and winning wars. The FBI, CIA, and the other supposed experts in protecting the nation need to WAKE THE HELL UP.

You can also checkout my last post for an additional example of transparent Jihadist propaganda.

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