Saturday, September 10, 2011

It's Ten Years Later And The Islamofascists Are Winning

[Update] I read this post to kick off the show...

Listen toTyranny's Nemesis on Blog Talk Radio

It's been nearly 10 years to the day that Muslims hijacked American aircraft, turned them into devastating weapons, and murdered thousands of innocent people on September 11th, 2001. And here I sit, 10 years later, anxiously watching for any developments in the reportedly "credible" Islamic terror threat, probably coming from the same band of Allah fearing and Qur'an believing Muslims who killed all those Americans a decade ago.

Truth be told, that's shameful and ultimately terrifying. Al-Qaeda merely represents a subset of the problems radiating from the doctrine of Jihad. And due to ignorance and willful blindness, we've yet to get a handle on that one aspect of the problem.

Yes we've killed bin Laden and done damage to Al-Qaeda network. However, the ideology of violent Jihad is still very strong and we have not even started talking about the much bigger issue of the Muslim Brotherhood infiltration. We aren't even discussing the Jihad the Ikhwan have been waging for many decades from within our very own borders.

Since the horror of 9/11, through two different administrations, our government has totally failed to identify the enemy and raise the appropriate level of alarm. While they've been playing PC word games, deflecting blame away from where it belongs, and waging war against a Muslim tactic (terror), the Islamofascists have amassed great strength inside our very own borders. Today, the minions of Muhammad wield an incredible amount of political influence, even attaching themselves to the Obummer administration and acting in the role of presidential advisers.

As unfortunate as the truth may be, it's undeniable. While the country has focused overseas chasing down Islamic "terror", and working to shutdown Al-Qaeda at home (which we have failed to do, see this post for the numbers), Muslim subversives have positioned themselves all throughout the American political establishment, in our defense and intel agencies, as well as our law enforcement organizations. Nearly every important American institution has been poisoned by Jihadists in someway.

The fact of the matter is, the Islamic cancer has metastasized into the very fabric of our nation. Muslims have embedded themselves into the very system they are attempting to destroy. They have been allowed to freely wage Jihad against it, under the guise of civil rights, and protected by the leftist's tolerance-doctrine. Their success is plainly evident. They have managed to completely pervert the narrative about Islam, turn the tables, and cast the Muslim invaders as the victims. The level of danger present as a result cannot be overstated.

Whether it's the Obummer administration assisting in a global effort to stifle free speech, presented as combating "Islamophobia", or the very same imbeciles embarking on a public mission to strip the name Al-Qaeda from the 9/11 narrative (while telling us to "never forget"), every ill-advised action and unconscionable move has helped pave the way for the eventual destruction of America and the entire western way of life.

It's painfully obvious that the people who are supposed to understand the bad guys simply do not. That is the crux of the issue and the precise reason why everything has gone so devastatingly wrong. The country has already paid the cost in thousands of dead civilians, two wars overseas, and more than enough slain American troops. It's enough already with the fairy-tale and idiotic narrative about Islam. This wholly delusional narrative is the single biggest obstacle to ending the Jihad and securing the homeland.

In direct opposition to the political narrative about Islam, the fact based narrative says, Jihad is the core mission of Muslims, and it does not only mean murdering the infidels while screaming allahu-akbar!. It's not merely Al-Qaeda's violent strain of Jihad, and it certainly does not always come in the form of dead people and exploded buildings. Fundamentally, Jihad is the fight to spread Islam. Engaging in this (often violent) effort to bring Sharia to all corners of the earth is a prime directive left by Muhammad himself. It's the duty of every "good" Muslim, and the passionate desire of many of them, to fight against infidel societies, until such time as they are all destroyed and a fascist Islamic state can be established on the ruins. That is what being Muslim is all about, and that is what everyone must understand for us to win this war. Whether Muslims are deceiving and subverting, screaming and murdering, or preaching and praying, it's all for the same purpose. They are trying to bring into existence a global Islamic state (caliphate), as instructed to do by their allah.

It's really not very difficult to understand the motivation, once you've looked at the situation in any depth. Because of the Islamic brainwash and indoctrination, Muslims believe the horrifying values introduced by Muhammad, and the system of life he established, has no equal. In their world, what Muhammad said and did came straight from allah and is perfect.

Unfortunately, Muhammad told them to forcibly bring the world into compliance with Sharia. Even more disturbing than the religious obligation to Jihad-the-planet is the fact that Muslims have been authorized (by allah) to essentially "do anything" to see that come to pass.

Murder, deception, violence, and coercion, are just some of the tactics personally demonstrated by Muhammad while he was busy waging Jihad in the 7th century. All of these tactics, as well as many more, are deemed eternally legitimate mechanisms for Muslims engaged in Jihad, because Muhammad is the "perfect" Muslim.

Understanding that Islam is the source of terrorism is step #1. But that is just the beginning, and we aren't even there yet. It will take much more than simply coming to grips with the fact that Islam instructs Muslims to terrorize non-Muslims. It will take understanding the myriad of ways the agents of Islamofascism are attacking, fighting back, and winning the war they are are waging against us. That's what must be done, if we hope to survive.

Wake up, America! It's 10 years later, and your country is being destroyed right in front of your eyes by the murderous AND subversive cult of Islam.

1 comment:

  1. the government of Usa Is The biggest supporter of Alqaida Usa created Alqaida! Muslim brotherhood is wing of freemasons. Wake up Usas goal is to radical islamize part of the world.
    Americanfacistislam is the new thing.
    Real bolsjeviks,marxists,leninist,and beliver in jesus as a socialist revolutionary are the ones that can save us from antichrist and salvary!
