Saturday, November 26, 2011

Rivers of Blood

This post began as a status rant on my Facebook page. Many people shared the status and there were lots of comments. I figured it would be worth putting up with links to the various things I was ranting about. Feel free to subscribe to me on Facebook here. I rant with some frequency and not everything makes it to the blog.

Ignoring the problem of Islam doesn't make it go away. Pretending it doesn't exist only makes it worse. And, if the country stays in a state of suicidal-denial long enough, it will lead to a literal hell in America, complete with rivers of blood.

A few things to consider...

Our country has been infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood (MB). The MB is the largest Muslim group in the world. They have been in America since the 1960's, and have a stated mission of waging a "grand Jihad" and "eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers".

Brotherhood operatives have made it all the way up to the level of presidential adviser. And the Department of [No] Homeland Security gave them access to our secrets, which they were caught leaking.

Not only have the Islamists injected themselves into our government and national security apparatus, they have organizations on college campuses, from sea to shining sea, indoctrinating and deceiving the next generation (setting up future subversive operations).

In addition, they are out in the media reinforcing the false narrative of Isamophobia, and disseminating misinformation via the "news" on a constant basis. They have also taken up residency in communities in just about every state in the union, where they pervert the narrative about Islam and purposefully confuse the issues at hand..

We have nearly 3 million Muslims in America. Based on a recent Pew survey, out of the those here already, there are roughly 825,000 who do not denounce Al-Qaeda. If distributed evenly across America, that is 1 immediately suspect and possibly explosive Muslim for every 4.5 square miles in the country. And there are known terror training camps in more than 20 states in America.

Islam is a blood-thirsty totalitarian cult hell-bent on subjugating every man, woman, and child in the brutal and oppressive demands of Sharia. Islam has been a bloody horror for 14 centuries, hundreds of millions have been slaughtered for the terrorist god allah over those (roughly) 1400 years, and our government tells us "Islam is a religion of peace".

The precept of the koran is, perpetual war against all who deny, that Mahomet is the prophet of God. The vanquished may purchase their lives, by the payment of tribute; the victorious may be appeased by a false and delusive promise of peace; and the faithful follower of the prophet, may submit to the imperious necessities of defeat: but the command to propagate the Moslem creed by the sword is always obligatory, when it can be made effective. -John Q. Adams

The short of it is, there are enough exploding-Jihadis, subversive Islamists, and useful idiots in America to throw the whole country into a state of utter chaos, but not yet enough to take us out with force. That means there is time to stop them.

Muslims have come here to destroy us. They are having some spectacular successes in many ways. And just by breeding alone they will someday have enough to take over the entire world... The Jihadists aren't waiting on birth alone, but even if that's all they had, eventually they would win (in spirit of full disclosure, some dispute the demographics issue)

The war can be won, even with the deck stacked against us like it is already. However, the full magnitude of danger must be recognized and the enemy must be clearly defined.

To be clear, the enemy is Islam and it must be destroyed.

1 comment:

  1. George Soros through, The New Israel Fund organized, funded and trained local Arabs to attacks the ranches, farms In Israel to drive the Jews out of the Galilee. Once started, these attacks will continue on independent of the New Israel Fund. Leading to the possible creation of a “Fifth Column or Trojan Horse” behind IDF defense lines.

    To solve this problem we need Nachal (an Israeli Army unit that also does agriculture projects), The New Shomrim (a teenager group protecting the ranches), the Israeli Boarder Guards, volunteers and the Israel Longhorn Project all working together.

    Israel Ranches are being attacked their passive European cattle is being mutilated and killed by local Palestinians, jackals and wolves. Israel needs desert cattle that fits its environment and can defend it’s self and it’s calves. That breed of cattle is Texas Longhorn. Helping Israel and Africa. To start $240,000. Robin Rosenblatt; 815 Hill St. # 5; Belmont, Ca 94002. 03.722.6108 or 650.631.9270 A 501c 3.

    Above is a paypal link to donate or mail funds directly to the project at the address.
