Thursday, December 8, 2011

HLF Trial Update: The Muslims Are Still Guilty Terrorists

The Holy Land Foundation (HLF) trial is the single most important case in US history insofar as understanding the nature of the Muslim Brotherhood and Civilization Jihad. The evidence presented during the HLF trial is where all the anti-Jihadist bloggers, speakers, and terrorism experts get quotes like...

The Ikhwan (Muslim Brotherhood) must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions. [read more]

The original trial was held in 2007, with a subsequent retrial in 2008. In the end, not even a hung jury and all the taqiyya in the world could save the Ikhwan from their convictions. The video below provides a good overview of the HLF trial for the uninitiated.

Of course, the terrorist sponsoring subversives of the Muslim Brotherhood appealed their convictions. Not to worry, yesterday the Fifth Circuit announced that the guilty verdicts have been upheld, reaffirming that the convicted Muslims are indeed terrorist supporting Jihadists. To the reaffirmations of guilt, I say Kuffar-Akbar!

On a related note, I happened to be watching Eric Holder being grilled by the Judiciary Committee this morning when the subject of HLF came up.

I can't remember who was doing the grillin', but Holder was asked point blank if there was any current "outreach" to HLF unindicted co-conspirator Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), as there had been in the past. He claimed there is no longer any outreach to CAIR coming from his office.

Whether I believe Holder or not, it's good to see that he knows that the right answer is "no", and to see the HLF trial as a topic of real interest to at least some of those in Congress.

A special note to Muslims:

The thing I believe you deceptive Muslims haven't quite grasped is, someday, in the not too distant future, you will have to answer for all the slanderous accusations of hate (Islamophobia), all the lies, every bit of the propaganda, and all your subversive activities. All the neccessary information exists to ensure the vast majority of the Kuffar see through your deceptions and understand your ultimate goals.

When that understanding hits critical mass across the collective American intellect, and when enough people finally "see" what you are up to, the last thing you will want to be is a Muslim in America. That's just a fact. There will be absolute hell to pay.

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