Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Lowe's Jihad - What Are Muslims Planning?

It always gets back to fear and intimidation with the Muslims...

Lowe's is being assaulted from every direction, including from a California state senator, for dropping their advertisements on All American Muslim propaganda show.

I ran across this Muslim on Twitter trying to rally his couple thousand followers to scare Christmas shoppers away from Lowe's by dressing up as Muslim as possible.

"Muslims dress up your ethnic best (the scarier the better), and just stand in front of Lowes. It'll do wonders for their Christmas shopping"

"Then Lowes would see we do have power. Scare away customers, hurt your bottom line"

"I just think that's how to make 'em feel the pain. If Muslims are objectionable, well then..."

[screenshots here]

It turns out this Haroon Moghul is an accomplished Islamist. He even speaks on the Jihadist propaganda narratives "Islamophobia" and "understanding Sharia".

Haroon Moghul
Associate Editor @RDispatches
Senior Editor @Islamicmonthly
Fellow @TheISPU
Ph.D. Candidate, Columbia University

The bottom line is, Moghul is a naked Islamist. He is playing Jihad all over the place. And now he wants terrorize Lowe's customers at Christmas.

On Facebook, you can keep up with the latest on Lowe's Jihad here.

1 comment:

  1. Yup-Yup!! They are taught to lie by the father of lies!!! Old slew foot himself! May The God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob rain fire down on the enemy of his children!
