Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Aisha & Muhammad movie (and list of mirror sites)

Given the level of censorship the video has faced already, it's going to take a group effort to keep Aisha and Muhammad alive and circulating after Islamic groups really start agitating at home and Muslims start exploding abroad. Below you will find my copy of the video and a list of known good copies.

The video is graphic. Viewer discretion is advised.

If you know of any additional working mirrors, please let me know through Facebook or Twitter.

Please share on social media, even if you don't like the movie or feel uncomfortable watching it. Truth be told, I squirmed a little bit and turned off the sound a couple times. I just couldn't take hearing what was going on—and I already knew the horrifying tale of poor little Aisha. But it's important to get the politically incorrect facts out there and stand up to Islamic tyranny, and that's why I'm pushing a (factual) video that I barely made it through.

BTW, if you need something besides this post to share, I threw together a graphic earlier.

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Kuffar Akbar!

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