Sunday, April 29, 2012

GBTV: Rumors of War III

[Update] After watching the whole video, my now completely informed opinion is that the documentary is informative and worth watching. The one big negative, and the issue which keeps me from saying it was "awesome", is the few wussy statements about Islam made by some of those being interviewed.

The documentary rightly highlights political correctness as the road to our destruction, but then some of those speaking subject the viewers to that very same PC-insanity. I was not a fan of that bit of intellectual perversion, and I know many Fatwa readers will be irritated by that too. In this case, best course of action is to grin and bear it because there is a lot of quality commentary, insight and info that shouldn't be missed.

I've only watched about 10 mins of this video, but it looks like a good one. I'm not a huge fan of Glenn Beck. I don't even watch his show. That said, he has been behind some good stuff on Jihad. He deserves real credit for that. (h/t Creeping Sharia)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Freedom Fighter Radio: Best Buy Boycott & Jihad

Best Buy has launched a copyright infringement Jihad on Facebook  against boycott logos in an apparent attempt to quell the unrest created by their support of Islamists & "terrorists".

Best Buy had Facebook delete every logo I created and also tried to take-down a logo created by Dave Pax.  Melanie Oberg has had numerous violation warnings from FB. And I've been put right back on FB-timeout (for another month) as a result of their Jihad.

Tonight @9Pm (eastern) Melanie, Dave, and I will be on Freedom Fighter Radio talking about the Best Buy Boycott & Jihad.

Check out the new boycott site!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Boycotting Best Buy: Suspended From Facebook Again

Whenever I finish serving a Facebook suspension, I know there will always be a "next time". But, for crying out loud, I just got my FB back on Sunday and already my profile has been cast out into digital exile once again.

According to FB, the reason I was banished this time was the Boycott Best Buy logos. They deleted all the images from the boycott page. And Melanie Oberg (creator of the boycott page) was issued a warning stating that a "third party" had contacted Facebook complaining about copyright infringement.

Apparently, the terrorist supporters at Best Buy are not fans of satirical images or the boycott logos.

Boycott Best Buy & Please Be Loud About it!

Last week, first reported that Best Buy had recently been a "Platinum Sponsor" for an event held by the Council for American-Islam Relations in Minnesota. Even in light of all the negative attention they've received since that time, Best Buy has refused to make any meaningful statement concerning the nature of their involvement with CAIR or rule out supporting them in the future. Clearly, the outcry needs to become louder because Best Buy is not hearing what is being said.

CAIR is a subversive Islamist group linked to Hamas (Muslim Brotherhood) and was listed as an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terror funding trial ever to be held in America.

The bottom line is, by contributing funds to CAIR, Best Buy is financing terrorism and global Jihad. Don't Buy!

Best Buy Public Relations

Phone: 612-292-news (6397)

Susan Busch, PR Director

Lisa Hawks, Deputy PR Director

Corporate Customer Care
1-888-BEST BUY (1-888-237-8289)


  • @BestBuy
  • @BestBuy_Deals
  • @GeekSquad
  • Facebook

  • Best Buy
  • Geek Squad

  • Friday, April 20, 2012

    Wednesday, April 18, 2012

    Fatwa Coming Back to Facebook: Each Time I Warn You, Muslims...

    Dear Muslims,

    Fatwa On Islam was founded on Muslim-manufactured adversity, and born of Jihadist-perpetrated data loss and digital strife. I've been there, done that, and you can't harm me.

    Two deleted Facebook profiles, hundreds of hours of lost research, data, images, and connections precipitated the coming of Fatwa On Islam. I've withstood suspensions, deletions, and digital-persecutions of every kind. My website, my talk show, my YouTube, my Twitter, and my latest additions, Audio Boo and Kuffar News were all the net result of Muslims engaging in digital-Jihad.

    Each time you try to silence me, I only become louder. Think about that muslims. It's almost like allah is on my side ;)

    BTW, I'll be back from my 30 days Facebook suspension this coming Sunday.

    Thursday: Fatwa On Freedom Fighter Radio - Take 3

    Thursday I'll be on Freedom Fighter Radio @ 9PM (eastern) for the 3rd time in recent memory. Freedom Fighter Radio host, Jim Stachowiak will be bringing the thunder, and I've been tasked with providing some lightening. ;)

    Wednesday, April 4, 2012

    Inside the Chamber of Commerce Meeting With Muslim Brotherhood

    Image of the meeting inside the Chamber of Commerce courtesy of a tweet by the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party.

    MB Ultimate Goals: Application of Sharia Law & Caliphate

    While the know-nothings and dunces are busy rolling out red carpets for the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood here in America, back home the Islamofascists are talking Sharia Law and the Caliphate.

    Al-Masry Al-Youm

    [Khadiga al-Shater, daughter of Khairat al-Shater]

    “Our dream was to establish the Islamic caliphate, one that follows in the footsteps of the Prophet to unite the Muslims of the world,” she said.

    She warned against the splintering of votes for Islamist candidates, adding that she fears an insufficiently qualified person will eventually rise to the presidency, which could cause the people to have negative feelings toward the Islamic experience.

    full story

    Al-Masry Al-Youm

    Muslim Brotherhood presidential nominee Khairat al-Shater said Tuesday that the application of Sharia is his ultimate goal.

    “I will rely on people of experience to help Parliament achieve that goal,”

    Shater, however, did not elaborate on the methods he would adopt to apply Islamic legislation. The statement said the four-hour meeting was the candidate’s first since the Brotherhood announced his nomination.

    full story

    Perhaps Shater didn't elaborate on "how" the Brotherhood intends to apply Sharia Law, but it's not a complete mystery. Muslim Brotherhood theologian, Yousuf Qaradhawi explained some of the details earlier this year.

    Egypt is doomed under the MB. America needs to cut ties with the Islamofascists, and we must stop enabling their tyrannical pursuits. Their goals are antithetical to the interests of the United States. They are our enemies.

    Monday, April 2, 2012

    US Chamber of Commerce to Host Egyptian Islamofascists (April 4th)

    [Update] Tuesday @ 8:30PM (Eastern) I'll be talking with Jim over at Freedom Fighter Radio about this issue and the Brotherhood in general.

    Every single freedom loving person in the world should be nothing short of outraged to the point of belligerency over America's new found friendship with the most nefarious Jihadist syndicate on planet earth, the Muslim Brotherhood. This unholy relationship born of the disastrous Arab Spring is a disgrace and dishonor that serves only to advance the tyranny of allah's law and further threaten God given freedoms.

    For the sake of America, and freedom everywhere, Americans must take a stand against this tyranny, and nullify the ignorance and short-sightedness of the elected dunces and other ignoramuses who would enable the Islamofascists. The know-nothings in government have already said yes to the tyranny, so it is incumbent upon American patriots to overturn the dunces decision and make it known that America's answer is NO.

    "The precept of the koran is, perpetual war against all who deny, that Mahomet is the prophet of God."

    "The commands of the prophet may be performed alike, by fraud, or by force."

    John Q. Adams, 6th American President

    On April 4th, the Chamber of Commerce is hosting the Muslim Brotherhood in DC for a round-table discussion. Because it's such short notice, I don't know that a physical protest can be put together. I am on the other side the country, so I can't do it. However, if someone wants to put something together, I'd be more than happy to help get the word out (just let me know). While the prospects of an onsite protest are pretty bleak at this point, the digital protest scene offers the opportunity to make plenty of noise.

    Below you find the US Chamber of Commerce announcement, email contact, and a phone number for the event. You can also find the Chamber of Commerce of Twitter here, and on Facebook here. Please take the time to let the Chamber of Commerce and your elected representatives know that it is unacceptable to invite the the largest Jihad on the planet into America as "friends".

    Discussion with Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt
    Date Event: April 04, 2012

    The U.S.-Egypt Business Council will host members of the Freedom and Justice Party of Egypt and a leading member of Egypt's parliament, Dr. Abdul Mawgoud Dardery at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The event is open to U.S.-Egypt Business Council Members and other special invitees only. To RSVP, please email Jennifer Miel at or call 202.463.5852.

    Muslim Brotherhood

    Founded by an Egyptian school teacher in the 1920's, the Muslim Brotherhood is the world's largest Muslim organization. For many decades, the Islamic theology articulated by Muslim Brotherhood theologians has been the driving force behind a very large portion of all Jihadist activity worldwide. The Muslim Brotherhood was the ideological force behind stealth Jihad and creation of Al-Qaeda, Hamas, and many other Sunni Islamist groups.

    The Muslim Brothers and their various Islamist groups can be found in 70 different countries across the globe (including America). And everywhere the Brotherhood can be found, you will find Muslims engaged in a perpetual Jihad aimed at enslaving the whole world in Sharia Law and establishing a global Islamic Caliphate.

    In America, the Muslim Brotherhood became active during 1960's when they established the Muslim Student Association (MSA). Today their organizations and operatives are everywhere, and they mean to destroy us.

    "The process of settlement is a "Civilization-Jihadist Process" with all the word means. The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions."

    More on the Brotherhood at the links below...